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The Rakning C-19 app – Information and instructions. Read more about Visiting Iceland. All travellers are strongly encouraged to follow precautionary guidelines, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, and to respect regulations in place, including the 2-meter social distancing rule and using masks.

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Quarantine requirements All arriving travelers will undergo 2 tests to screen for SARS-CoV-2 and diagnosis of COVID-19, with quarantine in between. The first test is performed upon arrival and the second one 5 days later.

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10 Dec 2020 In the battle for control of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), we have few Yet Iceland, whose Rakning-C-19 (“Tracking-C-19”) app was 

The app contains important information on COVID-19 and how to contact the healthcare service in Iceland. Official app from the Icelandic Government to help mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic in Iceland The app collects the GPS location of the phone and stores locally on the device.

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30 Apr 2020 India's contact-tracing app, Aarogya Setu was downloaded by more than Iceland's app, called Rakning C-19, uses smartphone location data, 

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Travelers must download the Rakning C-19 app. Quarantine requirements All arriving travelers will undergo 2 tests to screen for SARS-CoV-2 and diagnosis of COVID-19, with quarantine in between. The first test is performed upon arrival and the second one 5 days later.

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