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According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal had a 2014 impact factor of 14.429, ranking it 7th out of 153 journals in the category "Medicine, General & Internal". PLOS Medicine publishes commentary by experts without financial conflicts of interest, providing an authoritative voice independent of commercial marketing or promotion efforts. Publication decisions not driven by impact factor . PLOS Medicine provides you with Article-Level Metrics to help assess your article's impact. Decisions to publish are based on the science and potential impact of the article for patients and policy, not influenced on whether an article is likely to affect the PLOS publishes a suite of influential Open Access journals across all areas of science and medicine.

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Bridge employment kan förekomma med tre inriktningar; arbeta kvar för samma Journal of Occupational Therapy, Taylor & Francis förlag, som för 2019 uppnått Impact Factor 1.347. A 13-year prospective study PLoS ONE, 9(2), e87827-.

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The impact  Sep 19, 2006 Box 2 Main reasons why the 'bibliographic impact factor' is often not the the release of the 2005 BIFs, the editors of PLoS Medicine published  Jun 6, 2006 Citation: The PLoS Medicine Editors (2006) The Impact Factor Game.